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Packaging& Shipping

1. How do I measure a Box?
The proper sequence of dimensions is Length X WidthX Height. Place the carton in front of you with the open end up. Length is the longest
Open end dimensions from left to right. Width is the shortest open end dimension from front to back. Depth is the remaining dimension
From top to bottom.
2. How soon can I get a price quote?
For most projects, once we know the box style, dimensions, paperboard type including caliper, printing requirements and quantity, we
Can provide you with a price quote within 24 hours.
3. How long will it take to receive my products?
As a general rule, it will take 2 weeks for us to produce your custom designed and printed products.
4. Can I have a custom designed and made packaging box?
We are a custom shop. We design and construct each project to the individual customer's needs. All of our boxes are custom made
Based on your artwork and packaging need.
5. If you need our E catalogue and more details, please contact us.