Marya Washburn, Boulder Fire-Rescue PIO, 720-545-6012
The City of Boulder reminds our community that fireworks and open burning is not allowed within city limits at any time, including Fourth of July weekend.
It is illegal in the City of Boulder to use or possess fireworks of any kind. As stated in City of Boulder’s Municipal Code: "The possession, manufacture, storage, sale, handling, and use of fireworks are prohibited.” In addition, there is no open burning allowed within the city limits of Boulder at any time. This permanent burn ban includes portable outdoor fire pits and burning piles or bonfires of any size, or any type, of flammable material.
We want our community to have a safe and fun Fourth of July weekend. If you are planning on spending time on our Open Space and Mountain Parks land this weekend, please take a moment to review how to help prevent wildfires by recreating responsibly when visiting shared public lands during the Fourth of July.
To help reduce fire danger and ensure the safety and enjoyment of the Fourth of July holiday for all visitors, Flagstaff Road will be closed from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. on Monday, July 4. After 6 p.m., all traffic will be diverted at 6th Street and Baseline Road. Only residents who live west of Chautauqua will be allowed vehicle access beyond the closure. Flagstaff Mountain-area trails will remain open.
For more information on City of Boulder’s burn ban, as well as grill use information, please visit our Burning Regulations page.
To report violations to these regulations, community members can call the City of Boulder’s non-emergency dispatch line at 303-441-3333. If there is an emergency where there is active flame or other immediate danger, call 911.
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