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AUSTIN, Texas — The Fourth of July is almost here and fireworks go on sale Thursday.
But for those living within the Austin city limits, the Austin Fire Department said fireworks are still illegal.
According to AFD, each year there are hundreds of brush, grass and structure fires across the state started by fireworks, causing millions of dollars in damage and risking the lives of innocent bystanders.
“The best way to enjoy fireworks this Fourth of July holiday is to leave them to the professionals,” said Fire Chief Joel G. Baker. “It is illegal to possess fireworks within the city of Austin and to use or sell fireworks within the city of Austin and within 5,000 feet outside the city limits."
AFD said the National Fire Protection Association reported that about 17,800 reported fires were started by fireworks, and 8,700 fireworks-related injuries were treated in emergency rooms. Twenty-five percent of these injuries were due to sparklers and novelties and the risk of fireworks injury is highest for ages 15 to 24.
Baker said those in violation can be fined anywhere from $528 to $2,000. And if your fireworks cause bodily harm or property damage, AFD said you can be charged with assault and/or arson, both of which are felony crimes.
AFD said wooden stick (not wire stick) sparklers, smoke bombs, glow worms and snakes, poppers, trick noisemakers, and snappers are permitted within city limits. However, Ausinites should still be careful as sparklers can reach temperatures of 1,800 degrees and smoke bombs shoot a flame of two to three inches when ignited.
Any complaints about fireworks should be made to 311, not 911.
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