by Himshikha Shukla · September 19, 2022
Shopping for engagement rings can be a tricky business. Sure, some brides and grooms-to-be are not shy about letting their partners know what they want and constantly drop subtle hints here and there. However, plenty of prospective brides and grooms have given little to no thought about what kind of ring they want presented to them when their partner gets down on one knee. This can cause all sorts of anxieties as not only are engagement rings a potential lifelong commitment, but they can cause your wallet to take a bit of a battering, so, it is vital that you get it right on the first go. This will help you avoid any upsets later.
The minute you begin scouring the finely polished cabinets at your local jewellery boutique or scroll through endless pages online you will discover that we have so many options at our disposal. Unfortunately, it doesn’t make searching for the right engagement ring any easier. If anything, it makes it harder because there are just so many things to consider before taking the plunge on the perfect bridal bling to symbolise the love and commitment you and your partner have for one another.
Read on as we unpack the things to remember when shopping for engagement rings.
Before pinning any diamond sparklers to your Pinterest board, the first thing you will need to consider is your budget. For a lot of shoppers, your budget is essentially your kryptonite. The be all, end all. It is crucial to set out your budget as that will enable you to determine what sort of rings are in your price range. For decades, many people preparing to propose would use around three months’ worth of their salary as a baseline for their budget. However, our values have changed significantly in the past few years and even though many professional salaries are much higher than they once were, so is the cost of living. Industry reports as recent as 2020 suggest that couples spend an average of $5000 on bridal jewellery, although, that is not to say you should feel obligated to spend that much if you are not comfortable with it. No one should feel in over their head when purchasing an engagement ring, especially when you’ve got a wedding to plan.
What Style Do I Want?
An engagement ring should not only represent the love that your partner has for one another but it should also be an extension of the recipient’s personality. This is why when you’re shopping for engagement rings it’s important to look at styles that are going to be timeless in twenty years’ time rather than what is trendy at the moment. After all, this ring has the potential to be passed down to your children and their children one day, so you want this piece to have a lasting aesthetic. It is also important that the ring you choose reflects your partner’s personal style as they are going to be wearing this piece potentially every day for the rest of their life, so naturally, you want them to like it. There is such a diverse range of diamond engagement rings out there and nailing the right one can be difficult but not impossible. An easy way to figure out their style is by reflecting on the other rings and jewellery that they may have in their collection, alternatively, subtly walk them by a jewellery counter at the mall and take notice of what rings capture their attention as there is a chance that they may drop a hint.
Engagement rings are very much like shoes in the sense that there is not one size that fits all. Some of us are big, and some of us are small, while others have short and stubby fingers, there are also those that have very long and lean fingers. This is something to consider when making your ring purchase as you want to get the right fit without arising any suspicion if you want it to be a surprise. Fortunately, there is a myriad of ways you can get your partner’s ring size without them noticing. One of the oldest tricks in the book is getting a ring they already own and taking it with you to the jewellers. Another approach you could take is getting some measuring tape, a piece of twine or even a ring multisizer and gently slip it on their finger when they are sleeping. Although, when using this approach it is important to be mindful that elements the heat, long flights and even hormonal changes can cause the fingers to swell and therefore can produce an inaccurate size. If your partner is a light sleeper or not much of a jewellery wearer, you can always use a friend or family member that is of a similar height and build as a guide.
by Priyanka kundra Trehan · Published July 2, 2021
by Himshikha Shukla · Published December 1, 2020
by Sidhharrth S Kumar · Published August 17, 2021 · Last modified September 19, 2021
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