Stocktonians planning to celebrate the Fourth of July with illegal fireworks may want to think again as the city is considering increasing the scope and fines for their illegal fireworks ordinance.
California allows for some smaller, consumer fireworks like handheld sparklers, but if a firework flies or explodes, it is banned by the state. Firecrackers, roman candles and M-80s — among others — are all illegal in Stockton and California. The fine for getting caught with illegal fireworks in Stockton is $1,000.
Stockton City Council’s Legislative and Environmental Committee will discuss at the May 18 meeting raising the fine on repeat offenders within one year to $2,000 and $3,000 consecutively. The city of Lodi has an ordinance with the same fine structure. In Sacramento, the third offense comes with a fine of $5,000.
The committee — consisting of Vice Mayor Christina Fugazi, Councilmember Dan Wright and Councilmember Paul Canepa, with Councilmember Kimberly Warmsley as an alternate — is also considering paying $250 rewards to individuals who provide information that leads to identification and successful criminal or civil action of anyone violating the city’s illegal fireworks ordinance.
The committee will also discuss holding social hosts liable for illegal fireworks activities at their property, gathering or in the right-of-way adjacent to the property. Under the drafted ordinance, those in the care of offending minors would also be held liable. Should the committee approve a draft ordinance, it would then be brought to the city council for approval.
The city cites fireworks as a source of significant anxiety in adults, children and pets, especially in veterans and others with post-traumatic stress. Stockton also historically experiences an increase in fire damage on and around the Fourth of July. Last year, from July 28 to July 5, 2021, the city reported three building fires, 24 grass fires, 21 outside trash fires and numerous other fireworks-related fires.
Stockton has not offered a public Fourth of July celebration for the past two years due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the average attendance of previous public Independence Day celebrations has been 10,000, a small fraction of the city.
Check out:Stockton plans to bring Fourth of July celebration back to Weber Point this summer
This summer, the city plans to bring the Fourth of July festivities back to Weber Point. There was a consensus among the council that the city should engage in efforts to make the celebration bigger than ever. At the April 19 City Council meeting, Vice Mayor Fugazi said she'd already been receiving emails from citizens concerned about people shooting off fireworks in residential areas around the Fourth of July.
"Having a large event that everyone in the city could participate in, I definitely think that's something we need to lean toward," Fugazi said at the April 19 meeting. "The attendance for Fourth of July should eclipse some of the other parades, and unfortunately, it doesn't ... I can almost guarantee people would love to come out and celebrate the independence of the nation, we should make it a focal point for our city."
Record reporter Ben Irwin covers Stockton and San Joaquin County government. He can be reached at or on Twitter @B1rwin. Support local news, subscribe to The Stockton Record at