It's moments like this that make professional wrestling fans hide their heads in the sand, as they only reinforce negative opinions of the product.
Professional wrestling is often taken seriously as a sport, with a lot of great competitive moments which help fans to engage with the product. Fans of the business are happy to engage with the industry, proudly telling people about great spots and matches to make others get invested.
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However, throughout history, there have been some embarrassing situations that have left audiences seriously embarrassed by what they have seen. Some of these moments took place in the Attitude Era, when WWE was quite outlandish, but there have also been some more recent situations that have left fans feeling foolish to watch the business.
On paper, a match between Damian Priest and The Miz should have been enjoyable at WrestleMania Backlash in 2021. However, WWE decided to use this as a promotional moment for Batista's Army of the Dead movie. That featured plenty of zombies, and they were all on the attack in this match.
Seeing people pretend to be zombies around the ring was embarrassing to watch, and took fans out of the match instantly. The entire situation was not good, and it left everybody wishing it hadn't happened in the first place.
A recent situation that left fans feeling embarrassed to watch the product was the double wedding segment between Tozawa and Tamina, and then Dana Brooke and Reggie. It wasn't a great segment, with the comedy being far too much in this moment.
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Fans were left questioning what they were watching, as everything was over the top feeling like a soap opera. The fans chanting "What?!" throughout the entire segment didn't help either, making people flustered, which made the segment even worse.
AEW has provided slightly less embarrassing moments in recent memory, because the company focuses on being a genuine sport more than WWE does. However, when the company promoted a violent exploding barbed wire deathmatch between Jon Moxley and Kenny Omega, the expectations were high.
The clock was set for a major explosion to take place at the end, which was going to make things end in style. Things all went wrong, with just small sparklers coming out. It was made even worse when Eddie Kingston came out to save Moxley, and he had to lie down and pretend he was involved in a crazy moment.
The legendary This Is Your Life segment between The Rock and Mick Foley is one of the best in WWE history, even though certain elements of that were a mess. However, when WWE tried to recreate it with Alexa Bliss and Bayley, things were even worse.
This was a disaster of a segment that left everybody wishing it had never happened, including those in the ring. Everything that happened in this moment was poor, and it led to both women coming away worse, while fans were embarrassed.
Bray Wyatt had a series of highs and lows during the course of his WWE career, and his match at WrestleMania 33 was certainly a low point. The build toward his match with Randy Orton was brilliant, but then the encounter itself was a flat one that featured several embarrassing situations.
That was because WWE decided to project insects onto the ring throughout the match. Wyatt hit a post in the corner, and then Orton had to act and pretend like it was a serious situation and the bugs were actually there, which was embarrassing for the fans to watch.
The Street Profits and The Viking Raiders are two great tag teams that are more than capable of putting together fantastic matches. However, when they feuded with each other, WWE decided to have them go through a series of competitions such as playing basketball and bowling.
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It wasn't exactly the serious content that people were expecting to see from the teams, and it did leave audiences embarrassed. While certain fans might have been impressed by these segments, they certainly weren't to the taste of everybody.
There is no denying that Drake Maverick is somebody that was always committed to the cause, doing whatever it takes in order to get over with the fans and tell a story. However, during his time managing AOP, he was left in a seriously embarrassing situation when he ended up peeing his pants on television.
This was an angle that was done to make Big Show appear to be intimidating, but it just made Maverick look a mess. Fans were embarrassed by the entire situation, which made people look terrible.
AEW primarily focuses on serious in-ring work, with the talents being positioned in a certain manner as great wrestlers. But The Librarians were the complete opposite of that, with their gimmick being heavily influenced by the entertainment aspect, which fans hated.
It was an embarrassing situation for the company, and the fans went heavily against the entire situation to the point where AEW had to start taking them off television.
When WWE creates supernatural characters and moments, there is always a high risk of putting together embarrassing situations, and that was the case with Alexa Bliss' Lily doll. This character looked ridiculous, and the fact that the doll would take control of other wrestlers was a bad situation to watch.
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Nobody was able to take things seriously, especially when the doll would wink in filmed segments. It wasn't something that people bought into, and it was a recent character that left wrestling fans to be embarrassed.
Sami Zayn and Bobby Lashley had an interesting feud, and it was one that WWE fans didn't care about because of how embarrassing the situation was. Sami had Bobby's "sisters" appear in a segment on Raw, which was a complete flop that audiences detested.
People didn't get on board with this one, despite how over the top Sami attempted to be with the situation. However, audiences were left embarrassed, wishing that it had never happened in the first place.
Matthew Wilkinson is a writer based in Bradford, England. Can be found on Twitter @MC_Wilkinson1