Ohioans might hear more kabooms this Independence Day, but not in Powell – legally, anyway.
A new Ohio law will take effect July 1, allowing private individuals to use an expanded range of fireworks on designated holidays.
The new law was signed in November by Gov. Mike DeWine after a yearslong push by the industry to legalize their use. Ohio previously allowed consumers to use only sparklers and a handful of other pyrotechnics, and anything else had to be taken out of state within 48 hours of purchase.
The new law also allows Ohio's cities and villages to pass legislation maintaining the current restrictions in their areas if they so choose.
Powell City Council on March 15 approved a six-month moratorium on the provisions of the new law, deferring any decision on whether to allow the fireworks change in the city, said community-relations manager Rolanda Castle.
Council is expected to revisit the issue in September, Castle said.
Under the new law, private fireworks use is legal July 3, 4 and 5, and the Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays before and after.
Private use also is legal on New Year's Day, Chinese New Year, Cinco de Mayo, Memorial Day weekend, Juneteenth, Labor Day weekend, Diwali, and New Year’s Eve.
Fireworks may be set off only on the user's property or another private property with the owner's permission.
Nearby Liberty Township has a webpage – libertytwp.org/410/Fireworks-Information – on the use of fireworks.
"Liberty Township follows the rules and laws set forth by the state of Ohio with regard to fireworks," the page says.
It also cites the rules in effect until July: "The only firework products permitted in Ohio for use are designated 'trick and novelty' – such as smokes, sparklers, snaps, and snakes. Keep in mind that even trick and novelty fireworks can cause serious injury."
Discharging fireworks under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs is a first-degree misdemeanor, according to the law as established under House Bill 172.
Sherry Williams of Prevent Blindness Ohio told The Columbus Dispatch the group expects injuries to increase when the new law takes effect and plans to continue to educate consumers about the dangers.
"It's still an inherently unsafe activity to put explosives in the hands of consumers," she said. "Not only are they putting themselves in danger, but they're putting innocent bystanders in danger."
The new law requires retailers to provide a safety pamphlet for customers and safety glasses to customers for free or at a nominal charge.