Pocatello Police Department issues public service announcement regarding fireworks | Freeaccess | idahostatejournal.com

2022-07-30 04:18:02 By : Mr. Ayuntou Sh

The Pocatello Police Department has issued a reminder to local residents to practice safe firework usage on July Fourth. 

The Pocatello Police Department has issued a reminder to local residents to practice safe firework usage on July Fourth. 

The Pocatello Police Department wants everyone to enjoy the upcoming Fourth of July holiday but reminds the citizens of Pocatello to use safe and sane fireworks while celebrating.

Safe and sane fireworks are permitted from June 28 through July 6 of every year. Please use good fire safety techniques while lighting fireworks: read the directions listed on the firework packaging, have an adult present, have a bucket of water or a hose nearby, never point or throw fireworks at another person, and never use near dry grass or other flammable materials.

Dangerous and special fireworks are not permitted for use within the city of Pocatello. A good rule of thumb in determining if your fireworks will be considered dangerous, is if the firework leaves the ground, it is a dangerous or special firework, but refer to the list below for additional information.

For detailed information covering the city of Pocatello firework regulations, visit this link amd click on Ch. 15.10, Fireworks Regulations under Title 15.


• Firecrackers, cannon crackers, giant crackers, salutes, silver tube salutes, cherry bombs, mines, ground bombardment, grasshoppers, and other explosive articles of similar nature.

• Skyrockets and rockets, including all similar devices employing any combustible or explosive materials, which rise in the air during discharge; except model rockets and model rocket engines designed, sold, and used for the purpose of propelling recoverable aero model rockets.

• Roman candles, including all devices, which discharge balls of fire into the air.

• Chasers and whistles, including all devices that dart or travel about the surface of the ground during discharge.

• Snakes and hats containing Mercury bichloride.

• Sparklers more than ten inches (10”) in length or one-fourth inch (1/4”) in diameter.

• All articles for pyrotechnic display such as aerial shells, salutes, flash shells, sky battles, parachute shells, mines, dago bombs, and similar devices.

• Fire balloons or balloons of any type, which have burning material of any kind.

Please keep in mind this ordinance has been enacted to keep you, your family members, your neighbors, community members, and the surrounding areas safe. There will be no tolerance for using fireworks considered Dangerous or Special Fireworks, and the Pocatello Police Department will be issuing citations to violators.

Citizens are encouraged to report violations to Pocatello Police Dispatch at 208-234-6100, but the specific address of the violation will need to be provided.

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