Fireworks for sale at the corner of Summer and North streets in downtown Stamford.
The Fourth of July might look different this year with social distancing and fewer public events, but our message is the same. Fireworks are dangerous.
We know this year in particular has been hard for families, and we all want to celebrate this great country. Your Stamford firefighters ask that you do not take fireworks into your own hands and backyards — even as shows are canceled. Nothing is worth the safety of your friends and family.
Every year, Americans celebrate the Fourth of July with fireworks and sparklers. While these homemade displays are a great way to commemorate our nation’s independence, they are also a great way to wind up in the emergency room or making a call to the fire department.
Thousands of our neighbors are injured every year by fireworks and sparklers. Yes, sparklers. Those pyrotechnics on the end of a stick are pretty to look at, but they are especially dangerous. Sparklers can burn at temperatures of more than 1,000 degrees. Considering that these are often casually given to children to wave with little warning or instruction, it is easy to understand why nearly 1,200 children were treated in the hospital for sparkler injuries as recently as 2017.
Many Fourth of July celebrations also include increased use of firecrackers or bottle rockets. While not as large as you might consider fireworks, these tiny explosives can also be very dangerous, sending nearly 1,000 people to the emergency department in 2018.
Most injuries involve hands and fingers. In 2017 and 2018, 27-31 percent of reported injuries were to hands and fingers, including burns and trauma, major trauma (loss of fingers in some instances). Injuries to eyes are also a major concern with fireworks.
Our members serving in the Stamford Fire Marshal’s Office urge residents to remember that fireworks are not allowed by law in Connecticut, except for use by licensed professionals. Sparklers and fountains, which technically are not considered fireworks, can be purchased and used by persons at least 16 years old. Even common devices such as snakes, snaps, poppers, smoke bombs, and luminaries are not legal in Connecticut. If sparklers or fountains are used they must be disposed of safely. A few weeks ago a house fire was caused here in Stamford due to improper disposal of a fountain. Always soak sparklers and fountains in water after use.
Another consideration before planning your Fourth of July celebration is that the booms and flashes from fireworks, firecrackers and bottle rockets may be a source of stress for some members of the community. Loud noises can be a trigger for some veterans and others struggling with post-traumatic stress.
Pets are also affected by do-it-yourself Fourth of July extravaganzas as they are especially vulnerable to sparklers, bottle rockets and firecrackers. Many pets also are unfamiliar with the sounds of the explosions and may suffer needless anxiety.
Your firefighters understand the desire to celebrate the Fourth of July with family and friends. Our off-duty members will likely be doing the same, but while firing up the grill and enjoying a cold drink are all great for your party at home, fireworks of all kinds should be avoided. Leave the fireworks to the professionals.
Specific questions regarding fireworks should be directed to the Stamford Fire Marshal’s Office at 203-977-4651. Call 911 for all emergencies involving fireworks.
President David Davis is president of the Stamford Professional Fire Fighters Association, IAFF, Local 786.