Man's Birthday Celebrations Derailed by 'Wildest Bar Fight' In Viral Video

2022-07-11 00:07:04 By : Ms. Jessica Chan

Wild footage showing a birthday celebration being dramatically derailed by a pair of brawling men has gone viral on Twitter.

In a video posted to social media by tize4pf, a pair of diners can be seen receiving an ice cream sundae decked out with sparklers, while a rendition of "Happy Birthday" is audible on the clip.

However, their celebrations were soon disrupted when a nearby argument between two men spills over into violence. In a flash, one of the two men is sent sprawling across their table, knocking the ice cream over in the process.

Angry, expletive-laden words can be heard on the clip as the two men continue to fight, with a third shown throwing what looks like a piece of outdoor furniture at one of the two men.

Tables can be seen scattered around while the pair trade punches in front of several shocked onlookers. All of the action is caught on camera too as one of the diners, who evidently had his camera on to capture the birthday moment, continues to film from the sidelines.

"Birthday Celebrations x Wildest Bar Fight" an onscreen caption reads alongside a pin indicating the fight happened in New York.

nah this is crazy ngl

While adults may not celebrate birthdays in the way they did as kids, the majority still feel it is important to mark the occasion by doing something special. A 2015 Ipsos Reid survey found 89 percent of Americans thought it was important to celebrate birthdays while 85 percent felt special when others put a lot of energy into celebrating theirs.

While the person in this particular video may not have had the birthday night out they necessarily expected, it certainly proved one to remember while no one can say that the individuals featured in the clip didn't put a lot of energy into what they were doing.

It's fair to say people on social media saw the funny side, with the clip racking up 8.5 million views and over 32,000 retweets and 258,000 likes. Unwelcomeguest_ had some sympathy for the birthday boy, sharing a picture of the stunned individual alongside a caption reading: "Dude just wanted to celebrate his birthday in peace." Slumlordswrld agreed: "bro was just trying to enjoy his glo'day dessert."

DrTan10 was also eager to spare a thought for the waiter who carried the dessert out to them. "You can believe this man struggled to carry that thing all the way from the back kitchen to the street, dodging servers, other customers, spilled food, and opening the front door all without dropping it JUST to have it tackled onto the street seconds after setting it down."

Realgeeekedboy, meanwhile, claimed they "would've kept singing happy birthday" through the chaos if they had been there. It was a birthday after all. Makeupbyjoxlyn was not happy either. "Oh I would have been p****d," they said. "That milkshake looks good as hell."

The video was originally posted on Instagram by aryaanmisra, where it garnered over 174,000 likes. According to the post, the man in the video was celebrating his 21st birthday last week when the incident occurred.

A second clip of the fight was also shared to Twitter by eyewitness Ainslee Marsden Lester posting as xoxoAinz. She told Newsweek the incident took place outside a bar called The Burgary on Clinton Street in New York.

"I don't know what prompted the fight. I was standing inside the bar with a couple of girlfriends, and we saw them walk past with the sparkler milkshake. We watched the waiter take it to the table and out of nowhere that guy slammed into their table. It was maybe only 5 seconds before I started recording," she said.

I was there. Here’s my angle

"I just saw chairs and tables being thrown and, at the time, I read it as a random unprovoked thing. But after seeing the other video it's clear that the two men were arguing all the way down the block and it got physical right outside the bar," she added.

She also said that while the man's 21st birthday celebrations were disrupted by the fight, the group she was with "bought him and his friends a round of shots after."

Newsweek has contacted aryaanmisra for comment.

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