The Marion County Fair kicked off July 4 and continued through Saturday. Many young children and teens were able to show their animals and other projects they have worked so hard to perfect for the past several months. I remember those days for myself.
Of course being a city girl, I did not have animals but instead had sewing and cooking projects each year. Rules and requirements by judges have probably changed tremendously in recent years, but I remember finished or French seams being a requirement on sewing projects. French seams were a nightmare for me, but once I got the hang of it I used it for nearly every thing I sewed from then forward. And I used to sew a lot. I made all my girls dresses, made leisure suits and sport coats for the boys, t-shirts and more. I guess my point is that kids who are in 4-H or FFA learn lifelong skills. Congratulations to all exhibitors.
Opening night of the annual summer musical at the Palace Theatre was last night (July 9). I, of course, have not seen it yet as I write this midweek but plan to be in attendance today. Clare Cooke and crew do a fantastic job with coaching, choreography, singing, scenery and behind the scenes help. "The Will Rogers Follies" can be seen at 2 p.m. today, 7:30 p.m. on Friday and Saturday and the finale at 2 p.m. Sunday, July 17.
Thousands of people viewed fireworks displays all over the country last weekend. I learned a tip I thought I might pass along to parents who permit their children to light some fireworks. This pertains to sparklers: place the end they hold in a carrot. That keeps their hand away from the heat generated from the sparkler and is easier to grasp.
As I write this column early on Wednesday morning, we have had several downpours the past two days including one currently. I have literally seen the brown grass in my yard green up as it rains. Oh yes, how could I forget. The weeds have sprung up twice as tall as the grass, too. Now for some sunshine to perk the flowers up from their drenched and beaten down look.
I don’t know if organizers were pleased or disappointed with the turnout of folks to stand or sit by the veterans banners on July 2. I’ll just say it was sparse where I was sitting. One of the families near me remembered to bring their smaller banner to hold. He later said he believed folks thought he was asking for food and didn’t acknowledge what we were there for. Several did, however honk and give a thumbs up as they passed by. Thank you Vietnam Veterans Chapter 1117 for the opportunity to honor our veterans.
Let me leave you with this quotation by Robert Greene: “The future belongs to those who learn more skills and combine them in creative ways.”
Until next week. Be safe.
Brenda Donegan is a former Marion Star staffer. She may be reached at