It’s tradition to celebrate July 4th with fireworks but, if used improperly, fireworks can cause serious burns or injuries.Legal fireworks: sparklers and f
It’s tradition to celebrate July 4th with fireworks but, if used improperly, fireworks can cause serious burns or injuries.
According to the Alabama Department of Public Health, at least 17 people were killed in fireworks-related accidents in 2019 and another 10,000 were injured badly enough to require medical treatment. The vast majority of these incidents – 73% - occurred between June 21 and July 21 and children under the age of 15 accounted for 35% of the estimated fireworks-related injuries.
Here are some safety tips for fireworks
Sparklers are a favorite among kids but can be more dangerous than people think.
According to the National Safety Council, sparklers burn at about 2,000 degrees – hot enough to melt some metals. Sparklers can quickly ignite clothing, and children have received severe burns from dropping sparklers on their feet. According to the National Fire Protection Association, sparklers alone account for more than 25% of emergency room visits for fireworks injuries. For children under 5 years of age, sparklers accounted for nearly half of the total estimated injuries.
Consider using safer alternatives, such as glow sticks, confetti poppers or colored streamers.
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