The 4th of July is quickly approaching (where did June go?), which means it’s time for barbecues, picnics and, of course, fireworks.
In fact, fireworks seem to be an American summer holiday tradition. Consumers spent $755 million on consumer fireworks (fireworks for personal use, not for large events) for the 4th of July in 2015, up $60 million from the previous year, according to the American Pyrotechnics Association (APA).
“Safety must always be the number one priority when using fireworks,” Julie Heckman, the executive director of the APA, said in an email. “It is important for individuals to know what is legal in their area and to obey local fireworks laws.”
To help you do just that, here are the rules and requirements for buying and using consumer fireworks in each state. (Note: Some states may have neighborhood, regional and/or park restrictions on firework use that supersede state laws. Before you use the fireworks you’ve purchased, do your research. Many localities post their own rules to their government website around this time of year. It’s also important to note that some states have separate regulations for display fireworks.)
See fireworks laws in all 50 states:
The Fireworks Laws in Every State |
Here are the laws in the 10 most populous states.
Allowed: Ground and handheld sparkling devices; cylindrical and cone fountains; wheel and ground spinners; illuminating torch; flitter sparklers (Morning Glory) not exceeding 10 inches in length or ¼-inch in diameter; toy smoke devices; party poppers and snappers. Not allowed: Firecrackers; skyrockets; rockets; Roman candles; chasers; all wire and wooden stick sparklers; surprise items; friction items; torpedoes; firework kits and fireworks containing arsenic, phosphorus, thiocyanates magnesium (magnesium-aluminum alloys are allowed); Mercury salts; picrates or picric acid; gallates or gallic acid; select chlorates; boron; titanium (except particle sizes larger than 100 mesh); zirconium and gunpowder. Age restriction: 16+ Sale dates: Noon June 28 – noon July 6. Enforcing authority: State Fire Marshal Other notes: You must be 18+ to sell fireworks.
Allowed: Fireworks that meet the CPSC and DOT consumer firework regulations. Not allowed: Sky rockets/bottle rockets with a total propellant charge of less than 4 grams, casings less than 5/8-inch by 3½ inches, and overall length including stick of less than 1.8 inches; other fireworks not on the CPSC approval list. Age restriction: 16+ Sale dates: June 24 – July 4; December 20 – January 1, May 1 – May 5. Enforcing authority: Texas Department of Insurance, State Fire Marshal’s Office Other notes: Be advised: you have to be further than 100 miles from the Texas/Mexico border to buy fireworks.
Allowed: Certain devices that emit a shower of sparks upon burning, don’t contain any explosive compounds, don’t detonate or explode, are handheld or ground-based, can’t propel themselves through the air and contain no more than 100 grams of chemical compounds that spark upon burning. Not allowed: Firecrackers, torpedoes, skyrockets, Roman candles, daygo bombs and any fireworks containing explosive or flammable compounds. Age restriction: 18+ Enforcing authority: Division of State Fire Marshal Other notes: Legal fireworks may be subject to size limitations.
Allowed: Ground-based or handheld sparkling devices (including cylindrical fountains, cone fountains, and wood sparklers/dipped sticks), party poppers and snappers. Not allowed: Aerial consumer fireworks, firecrackers and chasers, skyrockets, Roman candles, bombs and metal wire sparklers. Age restriction: 18+ for sparkling devices Enforcing authority: New York State Department of Labor/New York State Office of Fire Prevention and Control
Allowed: Select novelty items (party poppers, smoke devices and sparklers) that appear on a list the state fire marshal updates annually. Not allowed: Handheld fireworks, bottle rockets, firecrackers, torpedoes, skyrockets, Roman candles, chasers, buzz bombs, helicopters, missiles, pinwheels and planes. Age restriction: 18+ Enforcing authority: Office of the State Fire Marshal
Allowed: Pennsylvania law does not consider ground and handheld sparkling devices, certain novelty items and toy caps (as defined in APA Standard 87-1) as consumer fireworks, therefore these items are permitted at all times. Not allowed: All other fireworks are not allowed for consumer use. Sale dates: Year-round for allowed items. Enforcing authority: Any sworn Law Enforcement officer
Allowed: Select trick/novelty items, smoke devices and sparklers. Not allowed: Using consumer fireworks, other than the items listed above, in Ohio is illegal. Enforcing authority: Ohio Department of Commerce – Division of State Fire Marshal Other notes: Consumers may purchase 1.4G fireworks from one of the licensed sales locations in the state and transport them out of the state (as long as it’s done so within 48 hours of purchase).
Allowed: All consumer fireworks. Not allowed: None Age restriction: 18+ Enforcing authority: State Fire Marshal Other notes: According to regulations passed in 2015, fireworks may only be used from 10 a.m. to midnight. This extends to 2:00 a.m. around New Year’s Day and on the 4th of July.
Allowed: Sparklers, fountains, smoke devices, snakes and glow worms, trick noisemakers (like party poppers, string poppers or snappers) and toy pistol caps. Not allowed: Explosives or aerial fireworks, Roman candles and rockets (or similar devices). Age restriction: 16+ Enforcing authority: Office of State Fire Marshal
Allowed: All consumer fireworks meeting CPSC criteria, as defined in APA Std. 87-1 sections 3.1.2, 3.1.3 and 3.5, as well as ground and handheld sparkling devices. Not allowed: Anything not meeting the CPSC criteria. Age restriction: 18+ Enforcing authority: State Fire Marshal Other notes: Consumers cannot be under the influence of drugs or alcohol when purchasing fireworks.
You can find the full list of the fireworks laws in every state on
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