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More firework celebrations are expected across Florida during the Fourth of July holiday.
One of the issues? Almost all fireworks are illegal in Florida except for sparklers.
The exception includes sparklers, fountains, snakes and glow worms. The Florida Fire Marshall publishes a list of approved fireworks every year.
Anyone found guilty of setting off a firework is committing a first-degree misdemeanor with a fine of up to $1,000 and sentencing of up to a year in jail.
There are also exceptions for people who get a permit from the town, city or county where they live. Also, there is an exception for “agricultural use” to keep birds from agricultural works and fish hatcheries.
Related: Tampa will have a 2.5-mile waterfront fireworks display for Independence Day
Anyone in Florida who buys fireworks at roadside tents typically signs a form saying they’re familiar with state laws. In Florida, anyone buying fireworks that go into the air or explode are theoretically purchasing them for an approved purchase.
Under state law, firework sellers aren't required to verify the validity of buyers' claims.
Click or tap here to read the Florida statute on the sale of fireworks.
Related: How to calm your dog during Fourth of July fireworks
Previous: Vendor who flubbed last year's St. Pete July 4th fireworks is putting on Tampa's show this year
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