If shooting off fireworks is a tradition in your family, the kids are probably involved - or at least, they probably want to be involved.
While the most stunning fireworks are best left to adults, it's possible to get kids involved in a safe, fun way.
Now nobody - I repeat, nobody - is advocating handing your third-grader a lighter and a few M-80s and telling her to go for it.
But with safety precautions and adult supervision, kids can take part in 4th of July festivities in age-appropriate ways.
The dangers of firework-related accidents are real - and they're not uncommon. A 12-year-old boy was killed in Nashville just last week while playing with fireworks among a group of unsupervised children.
Click here for a list of 13 safety rules you need to follow before using any fireworks. No really; read it first.
Did you read it? Ok, good.
It should go without saying, but let's say it here: Parents or other responsible adults who are sober should always, always closely supervise (and, with kids under high school age, operate) fireworks.
While sparklers have historically been childhood favorites, they aren't safe for use by very young children. The Consumer Product Safety Commission reported that almost 20 percent of firework-related injuries in 2014 were caused by sparklers.
"They can be extremely dangerous if not used properly," said Michael Ingram, director of development for Fireworks Over America and the founder and president of the American Pyrotechnics Safety & Education Foundation.
Sparklers are more appropriate for ages 7 and older. "You want to use a sparkler in an open area, and make sure children are spaced at least 10 feet apart so they're not waving them around each other."
Ingram mentioned one method he'd seen recently, where you poke a hole in the bottom of a large plastic cup, such as a Solo cup, and insert the sparkler in the hole, so that the cup fits over the child's hand while he holds the bottom of the sparkler underneath the cup.
"Burning is unlikely, but it's a good little trick to be extra safe," said Ingram. He also recommends children only use bamboo sparklers, instead of the metal variety, because bamboo doesn't heat up like the metal ones do.
Bang snaps, or poppers, produce a minescule explosion with an audible crack, but don't hurt the skin. For some older preschoolers and elementary-schoolers, these toys have been considered appropriate by some parents if properly supervised.
"When it comes to anything that has to be lit, a parent should light the fireworks," said Ingram. "You never want a child to light a firework, period."
For elementary and middle schoolers, he recommends parent-supervised use of what are sometimes known as "safe and sane" fireworks: fireworks that don't fly or explode.
Examples include snakes, cone fountains, ground-bloom flowers, spinners and other novelty fireworks that don't travel or shoot up in any way. Many of these are often sold in the kid-friendly section of a fireworks store, and in assortment packs that are designed for children.
"Everything in those kinds of assortments can be used by children," said Ingram. "But obviously, they need to be used under close adult supervision."
These kinds of fireworks should be used on a flat, level, hard, fireproof surface - such as a driveway - that's free of debris. Be sure to check the warning label on the firework for more information.
Firecrackers, rockets, roman candles, aerial shells and other fireworks that leave the ground aren't safe for use by children and should be restricted to older teens and adults.
"Once you're in high school, it's important to follow safety rules, follow the instructions," said Ingram. "Always shoot in an open area, have a bucket of water handy, be under adult supervision."
From a safety standpoint, older teens can shoot off shells, roman candles and other aerial fireworks safely as long as they're following proper precautions (here's the list again) and are supervised by sober adults.
And, of course, as long as they're doing it in an area where it's legal.
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