The Smith-Schmidt-Krawiec 60th reunion was Aug. 6 at the Russell Joy picnic grounds.
The Smith-Schmidt-Krawiec 60th family reunion met at the Russell Joy picnic grounds on Howard Street in Fredonia on Aug. 6, 2022.
Colleen Schmidt and Stacy Dillenburg were co-chairmen. On the committee were Rick Jenson, Luke Ross and Tracy, Lea, Rowan and Nolan Schmidt.
The registration table had displays of the 50/50 and 15 assorted baskets to be raffled off. It was manned by Tracy and Rowan Schmidt.
The American and Polish flags welcomed the guests on a hot and sunny day. One of the games, the balloon toss, was enjoyed by the group, each wanting to get showered by the broken balloons.
A hula hoop contest was won by Gillian Leone. Other winners also got gift certificates.
A bingo kind of a game was used in place of numbers. For instance, who has been in the military? A nice way for each player to talk to everyone looking for the answers.
The attendees were treated to a variety of Polish dishes, including pierogis, roasted chicken, homemade pickles, tossed salad, potato salad, pasta salad, macaroni and cheese and a taco bar.
On the sweet side, pineapple delight, pies, cookies, watermelon and cantaloupe were served.
The family of Andre Smith/Schmidt and Angeline Krawiec were remembered with sparklers given out to everyone, and Donna Smith led everyone with “Amazing Grace.”
The youngest member in attendance was Michael James, son of Michael and Jessica Granata from Jamestown. The oldest member was Joseph C. Granata.
The 27th anniversary of Laurie and Ronald Siracuse was acknowledged.
There were no deaths recorded since last year.
Madison Granata, daughter of John and Kim Granata, graduated from the University of Rochester.
Kimberly Schmidt of Michigan graduated from nursing school. She is the daughter of John Schmidt and the late Sarah Schmidt.
Garth Schmidt had his sound system, entertaining everyone all day with a variety of music, including polkas to dance to.
Photos of the event were taken by Stella Granata. Several photo albums were on display of pictures from when the reunions first started, back in 1962. Angeline Leone, Jeanette Meadows, Rose Marie Licato and Stella Granata, the original organizers, were in attendance.
The next reunion will be on Aug. 5, 2023, hopefully at the same place.
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