Earlier today, Toledo City Council, Mayor Wade Kapszukiewicz, Toledo Fire & Rescue Department, and Toledo Police Department announced that the city of Toledo will opt out of H.B. 172 and reaffirm the ban on igniting discharging, or exploding fireworks in the City of Toledo.
By opting out of this bill, consumer-grade fireworks such as firecrackers, bottle rockets, roman candles and fountains will continue to be illegal for residents to ignite, discharge or explode within the City of Toledo. The Toledo Police Department and the Toledo Fire & Rescue Department will work together to enforce these laws for the safety of our residents and visitors.
Trick and novelty fireworks such as sparklers, snaps, glow snakes and smoke bombs continue to be legal in the City of Toledo but must be used with extreme caution. While legal, these items can still pose serious health problems, including severe burns, injuries to the hands, eyes and face, and even blindness or hearing loss. For example, sparklers burn at up to 1800°, hot enough to melt gold. The risk of severe burns is real. In addition, puncture-type injuries to the eye are not uncommon. Also, most fireworks require a source of ignition, creating other hazards associated with supplying children with matches or lighters. The safest way to enjoy fireworks is to attend a show by a licensed exhibitor.
Please follow the following safety guidelines when using trick and novelty fireworks:
Residents are asked to call 911 in the case of an active fireworks incident. Residents should call the non-emergency number 419-255-8443 to report the presence of illegal fireworks or noise complaints.