Who's the Boyle to your Jake?
The "toitest" duo on the groundbreaking detective sitcom Brooklyn Nine-Nine, Jake Peralta (Andy Samberg) and Charles Boyle (Joe Lo Truglio), have numerous moments that inspire the strongest feeling of camaraderie and love! They are as close as two modern men can possibly be; the best part of all, they’re proud of it.
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Their friendship has inspired fans since they first sang, high-fived and joked their way on the screen and into their hearts. On top of it all, their friendship was not just laughs and giggles all the time; they had the space and felt safe to talk about the important and serious stuff as well.
Boyle had a habit of going above and beyond to find love in his life. Whether it’s proposing on the very first date or planning their whole life together in the blink of an eye, Boyle going overboard with his feelings is an understatement. Jake, being the wonderful bud that he is, stepped in and agreed to act as a buffer on his date with Vivian.
Jake takes extreme measures to stop Boyle and even suffers a pepper attack in his eyes. All Jake did the entire night was have Boyle’s best interests at heart and save him from himself. Jake might not be the most expressive person, but he always looked out for his friends.
Jake didn’t just have a friend in Boyle, he had a die-hard fan in him who hyped his every move and laughed at all his quippy jokes. Moreover, Boyle supported all of Jake’s mischievous schemes from pulling pranks on their colleagues to making every case the best case of their life.
And as he was so happy to claim, “My child will not grow up in a world without Jake. I don’t need a stupid baby who has never met Jake.” Who wouldn’t kill for a friend like Boyle in their lives?
Taking every significant moment and memory from Jake’s life into consideration, Boyle planned the perfect albeit a bit long and stretched bachelor party for his best bud. Audiences saw how well Boyle knew Jake and how intricately he got every detail included in one day jam-packed with fun, puzzles and booze, ending on a cruise with steaks.
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Even though Jake and the party took the shortcut, they did complete the hunt in the end and found Charles to celebrate the special day with him. That was when Jake truly appreciated all the efforts Boyle put in to make his night extra special.
Every time someone went through a tough time, the whole squad came together to make it easier for them to get through. So, when Boyle had an ugly divorce or any terrible breakup thereafter, Jake was always there for him and helped him be normal again.
Whether it’s comforting him, consoling him or just being there for him, Jake always came through and proved himself worthy of Boyle’s unconditional love.
The Beastie Boys apologized when it mattered and set things straight. They talked about their feelings and were real with each other when it meant the most - from relationships, and children to family and work.
When Nikolaj needed the perfect gift, or when his dad from Latvia showed up unannounced, Jake and Boyle got real and worked through their issues. Even during their first long stakeout together they got on each other’s nerves, but they came through not just unscathed, but better friends. And they gave fans awesome, rewatchable episodes over and over again!
Boyle never shied away from being Jake’s best friend, rather he was proud to be called that. Jake might be a little touchy on the subject, but he was also gleeful to have the best bud like Boyle, someone who does everything in his power to keep his loved ones happy.
They even got matching jackets on their supposed last case together to make it the most memorable one ever, and let’s not forget the cute, but tight ‘Best Buds’ caps that Jake had made for them.
We’ve established Boyle did extravagant things for the people he adored, but he always dreamed of being the best man at Jake’s wedding. So, when the day finally came, he expected his friend to bestow upon him the honor.
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Jake did return the favor and asked him in the grandest way possible. Jake asked him in the sweetest way possible, with a banner, confetti and sparklers which made Boyle say, “Yes, a million times yes!!”
Jake always came through when Boyle and his family, or better yet Nikolaj was involved. Jake got to know Nikolaj and became friends with his best friend’s kid also. Jake was the perfect godfather, not to forget fun and cheerful.
On the other hand, when Jake was about to become a dad, Boyle made it his life’s mission to get Jake to the hospital in time for his son’s birth. He even made peace with his series-long nemesis to help Jake be there when his son is born.
From Beastie Boys, Spice Boys to Midnight Men and ACDC, Charles and Jake improvised as they went and turned out funnier than ever. Every adventure had them forming a new name and even their anthems as they took on cases. They also found new and new ways to high-five and express their happiness at the moment where they revel in their friendship.
Their friendship was nothing short of an adventure ride with ups and downs, but they were great at their jobs and had fun while doing it. They did everything in their power to have each other’s back and defined true friendship goals for everyone out there.
Tough conversations have nothing on zero judgments. A friendship without any kind of judgment is the best kind, undoubtedly. They never questioned each other’s choices or critiqued their way of living. Jake accepted Boyle’s eccentric love for food, his clumsy ways and his love for his family, while Boyle took Jake for all his pranks, inexpressiveness and his childish ways.
Their love for each other claims no judgments and stands unconditional. They can endure a few hiccups, but come out stronger and better friends than ever!
NEXT: ‘Brooklyn Nine-Nine’ Cast and Characters (And What They’re Doing Now)
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