This holiday weekend, officials are urging San Diego County residents to leave the pyrotechnics to the professionals, reminding them that fireworks are illegal.
In fact, fireworks of any kind — sparklers, firecrackers, cherry bombs, poppers and bottle rockets — are all illegal in the city and county of San Diego.
A good rule of thumb, anything labeled "safe and sane" is often anything but. Fireworks obtained in other California counties are still illegal in San Diego, officials stressed. A big reason why: More fires are started on the 4th of July than any other day in the year, with more than half hat number caused by fireworks, according to the National Fire Protection Association.
With current drought conditions, San Diego County is a match waiting to be lit. Anybody found violating local laws regarding fireworks could be fined up to $50,000 and sent to jail for up to one year, according to Cal Fire. Firework use, which is popular among older teens can boomerang: Parents can be held liable for damages or injuries their children cause using fireworks.
Similar to how you need a license to drive, you need a license to use fireworks. Luckily, there's no shortage of licensed firework displays all over San Diego County this Independence Day.
As you can see, there's no reason to use fireworks illegally, potentially hurting your legs, hands or eyes this year, which are the most common areas to get hurt handling fireworks. Happy Independence Day!