Andy Shodell: Get out of your comfort zone at the University of Florida

2022-09-10 05:41:21 By : Mr. Rain Chan

In life, the start of something new is a cause for celebration and this year there are countless reasons to light those metaphorical sparklers. 

This is a year to be thankful for access to an education in Florida and the life-changing opportunities offered by universities. I have some advice for students just beginning this journey. 

First, I want to encourage students to be open to new opportunities despite perhaps feeling overwhelmed at times and — like me — having nerves pop up at precisely the worst times.

One theme in conversations with other UF students has been the power of knowing oneself. Identifying your interests and embracing them can be the first step to thriving in a new or unfamiliar place.

For me, that meant finding others interested in writing and politics. The gravitational pull of civic engagement at UF naturally drew me to the Bob Graham Center for Public Service and its journal, the Florida Political Review.

Not long after I joined the review, I saw social media posts for a “communications internship” at the Graham Center. I had no idea what communications was, but it sounded like a possible fit. When I decided to apply it was more a case of “Why not?” — and that might have also been the reason behind my acceptance. 

This was my first step toward realizing the real power in "putting yourself out there." If I had let my nerves get the best of me, I wouldn’t have found like-minded people in a school of over 50,000 students. 

I also highly recommend applying for any program or internship that seems appealing; one hour spent on the application could lead to a new and invaluable trajectory in life. In my case, I found out communications was at the exact intersection of my interests, which helped me surround myself with friends, colleagues and mentors. 

Next, I would recommend taking a few leaps of faith. As I moved forward in my experience at the Graham Center, I became interested in learning about the speechwriting side of communications. When I voiced that, my mentors were able to organize an internship for me to write speeches for UF President Kent Fuchs and other university leaders.

I next decided to apply for the Tallahassee Internship Program and found a placement in the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. The opportunity to work with a highly skilled communications team and a trailblazing commissioner opened my eyes to the best possibilities of public service, while also teaching me to manage my time. 

I can’t stress enough what the Graham Center, internship programs and excellent mentors can offer all students. I would never have been able to grow as a person and a professional if I had always decided to hold myself back.

I would never have become a junior account coordinator at Sachs Media Group in Tallahassee this summer, where I got work with amazing colleagues and fellow interns while working on meaningful projects every day. And I would certainly not be planning to travel to Washington, D.C., for a Graham Center internship this fall with Rep. Darren Soto, D-Kissimmee  

Bob Graham’s career may be one of the best models anywhere of experiential learning. As governor and senator, he spent hundreds of full days performing everyday jobs with the people of Florida — kind of like mini-internships. The “workdays” changed his perspective on policies and gave him an elevated level of leadership. Now, he’s created a space at UF where others can acquire skills and find opportunities to grow.

Graham says, “There are lots of ways to learn: lectures, books, television, internet. In my opinion, the most impactful of those is learning by doing.” 

During my speechwriting internship, the opportunity to work on a speech with Graham is something I will never forget and that makes all the time spent outside my comfort zone worth it. 

The path to my own confidence, competence and comfort at UF has been riddled with rejections and missteps, but I moved forward only by taking those steps in the first place. 

By taking similar steps outside of their comfort zones, I know other students will realize their goals are in reach and discover new passions and strengths. 

And that is something to celebrate. 

Andy Shodell is a senior at UF, majoring in English and political science. He is from Miami. 

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