MONTGOMERY COUNTY, MD — If you're planning on using fireworks in Montgomery County, think twice. All fireworks are banned and deemed illegal in the county except for snap-and-pop noise makers, snakes and party poppers. Even gold-labeled sparklers are illegal, according to county officials.
According to county officials, it is illegal for any person to manufacture, possess, store, offer for sale, sell, discharge, use, burn or explode any fireworks in Montgomery County except for an authorized display conducted by a licensed pyrotechnic professional with a permit. Penalties for violations of the law include a fine up to $1,000 and/or six months in jail.
Below are the only fireworks allowed by state law for Marylanders to use except in Baltimore City, Montgomery and Prince George's counties where, again, all fireworks are illegal:
Examples of items that are prohibited by state law also in other counties include:
The OSFM operates a bomb squad that regulates Maryland's explosive and fireworks industries. On its website, the OSFM shares several tips when using legal fireworks for the holiday:
Police officers can issue a criminal citation and confiscate fireworks that violate state law.
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