Maricopans love their fireworks, and many of us will ring in the new year by setting some off in their neighborhood. And while fireworks can spark a celebration, they also can be dangerous.
With all the recent rains, the fire danger should be minimized, but there still are safety considerations to keep in mind.
“They can cause house fires, garbage fires, almost anything,” said Chris Bolinger, deputy chief of operations for the Maricopa Fire/Medical Department. “You’re setting off high-temperature sparks and sending them in uncontrolled directions. Even sparklers can set clothing on fire – a lot of children get burned that way.”
The Arizona Revised Statutes provides an exception to the local law banning fireworks in neighborhoods; “consumer fireworks” may be used from May 20 through July 6 and from Dec. 10 through Jan. 3 of each year without penalty. State law defines “consumer fireworks” as “small firework devices that contain restricted amounts of pyrotechnic composition designed primarily to produce visible or audible effects by combustion.”
The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has developed a list of tips to help people safely enjoy their fireworks:
According to the CPSC, nearly half of all injuries come from just three of the most common consumer fireworks – sparklers, firecrackers and bottle rockets. Bolinger said even when taking precautions, there still are dangers.
“Any type of firework can be dangerous – the dangers are just different depending on the firework,” he said. “Things designed to go up in the air can tip over and shoot down the street, things can go off early – there are all sorts of dangers.”
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