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PHOENIX — Love them or hate them...and there are plenty of people who will vocally explain why they hate them...fireworks are legal in Arizona for a short period around the holidays.
Here's what Arizona law says about fireworks.
According to Arizona law, the only legal fireworks are actually firecrackers and ground explosives. Sparklers are also legal, as are those spinning sparklers on the ground.
The key phrase is "on the ground."
Arizona law prohibits any fireworks that are launched in the air. That goes for the large fireworks that you see at permitted, legal shows. But it also includes things like bottle rockets.
During the holidays, there are different time periods for the sale of fireworks and their use of them.
It's legal to sell fireworks from Dec. 10 to Jan. 3.
But it's only legal to use the legal fireworks from Dec. 24 to Jan. 3.
Penalties differ from city to city. Most involve a fine, which can vary from a few hundred dollars to more than $1,000.
Phoenix police also said penalties could potentially rise to the level of a crime.
But police said they do not have to actually witness someone launching fireworks in order to write a ticket or make an arrest.
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