Sharon Kennedy: The thrill of a simple sparkler

2022-07-02 04:46:05 By : Mr. Yibin Chen

When I was a kid, we were never given fireworks stronger than a hand-held sparkler. As the sky darkened on the Fourth of July, Dad lit one end of the gray stick. We held the other end in our hand and had great fun twirling it in the yard.

I have no recollection of running through the grass. It was usually tall. I’m sure we were warned that a spark might land on the dry grass and a devastating fire ensue. After such a dire warning, great care was taken and we were satisfied to stand still and watch the sparkler do its thing until it fizzled out.

If we were lucky, our parents had purchased a couple boxes of those low-tech items. If not, we had to settle for whatever amount was contained in one box, maybe a dozen. If equally divided, that meant each kid got three. If one failed to sparkle, well, it was just too bad. My sister was the oldest and might have shared hers, but I was the middle child and it’s doubtful I felt obliged to hand mine over. When the sparkler fun ended, so did our Fourth. We did not seek out the fireworks in Sault Ste. Marie. Mom couldn’t stand the noise. Any closer than 20 miles would have deafened her, so we stayed home. Nobody pouted or whined.

We found other ways to celebrate the day of our independence. For me that meant putting a flashlight underneath the sheet and reading a book, something I was not allowed to do. Mom said reading with such a dim light would ruin my eyes. My sister probably stayed up longer and tried to get a glimpse of the night sky as it lit up with colorful explosives from surrounding towns. My brother most likely went to his room and shot his cap gun until he ran out of the little red strip of caps.

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Much has changed since the days of my youth, but one thing has remained constant. I do not seek out firework displays. Like my mother, the loud noise overrides any pleasure the brilliant works might bring. Even Miss Peggy, the cat I fell heir to three years ago, is terrified of thunder and seeks out a hiding place. I can’t imagine what she’ll do when she hears blasts of Cherry Bombs, M-80s and a myriad of other explosives breaking the peace and quiet of a July evening.

I understand that people want to celebrate our independence by shooting off fireworks. I suppose it’s long been a tradition of showing how advanced we are. We moved from a simple sparkler in our front yard to an enormous display of multi-colored designs in the night sky. It brings delight to young children and fond memories to adults. Throughout the day, there are parades, picnics and anticipating the night’s entertainment. What’s a little noise? It only lasts an hour and comes around once a year. Let’s enjoy it while we still have something to celebrate — while we’re still a democratic republic instead of a fascist state run by a handful of handpicked autocrats picking our pockets for every last cent in them.

So whether you stay home and watch spectacular displays on your digital device or join the crowds along the riverfront, here’s hoping you have a wonderful Fourth of July. We never know when it will be our last.

— To contact Sharon Kennedy, send her an email at Kennedy's latest book, “The SideRoad Kids: Tales from Chippewa County,” is available from her, Amazon, or Audible.