• 'Ray Donovan,' 'ER' Actress Mary Mara's Cause of Death Revealed

    by admin on 2022-07-02 04:43:21

    Mary Mara’s cause of death has been revealed after she passed away at the age of 61.

    The late actress died by asphyxiation due to drowning. “The Jefferson County Medical Examiner’s Office performed a post-mortem examination on the decedent and determined that the decedent’s manne

  • PM_Logo

    by admin on 2022-07-02 04:43:07

    Gear-obsessed editors choose every product we review. We may earn commission if you buy from a link. How we test gear.

    Be the smartest person at this year’s Fourth of July barbecue.

    It takes a lot of work to create the extraordinary displays we enjoy o

  • Sparklers, Fireworks Illegal in Chicago, Officials Remind Ahead of Independence Day Weekend – NBC Chicago

    by admin on 2022-07-02 04:42:58

    As Independence Day weekend kicks off nationwide, Chicago officials are reminding about the legality of fireworks and sparklers amid anticipated citywide celebrations.

    Fireworks are banned across the entire state of Illinois, but in Chicago specifically, sparklers and bottle rockets are

  • Mecklenburg County Fire Marshal's Office shares how to keep your fourth festive and safe

    by admin on 2022-07-02 04:42:51

    ​The Fourth of July celebration typically includes fireworks, grills, and time spent outdoors. But each of these activities can post a risk of injuries and/or property damage. 

    More than 19,500 fires are reported each year due to fireworks. Burns account for 44 percent of ER injur

  • Greenwich fireworks shows and celebrations: what to know

    by admin on 2022-07-02 04:42:49

    This is a carousel. Use Next and Previous buttons to navigate

    Photos from the Fourth of July Celebration at Town Hall in Greenwich, Conn. Sunday, July 4, 2021. Presented by the Independence Day Association of Greenwich, the ceremony featured a flag raising, patriotic songs, reading of th

  • Fire officials warn Oregon and Washington partiers to be extra careful with fireworks - OPB

    by admin on 2022-07-02 04:42:29

    Fourth of July fireworks, Portland, Oregon, in 2017.

    Firework-related injuries and deaths spiked during the pandemic. So authorities in the Pacific Northwest are asking people to be more careful this Fourth of July.

    The U.S. Consumer Products Safety Commission found a 50% increase

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    by admin on 2022-06-25 05:32:49

    SEATTLE (Gray News) – Fire officials in Seattle are encouraging the public to leave fireworks to professionals after responding to an accident Monday night.

    A 14-year-old lost his left hand and injured his right while playing with fireworks, according to the South King Fire Department.

  • Here's where to watch Fourth of July fireworks in Brevard, Florida

    by admin on 2022-06-25 05:32:39

    Support local journalism by subscribing at Special Offers - USAToday Network.

    Due to potential changes and cancellations, we encourage you to check with presenting organizations about the status of their events. Please note that these events do not all take place on July 4.

    Make y

  • Here's where to watch Fourth of July fireworks in Brevard, Florida

    by admin on 2022-06-25 05:32:38

    Support local journalism by subscribing at Special Offers - USAToday Network.

    Due to potential changes and cancellations, we encourage you to check with presenting organizations about the status of their events. Please note that these events do not all take place on July 4.

    Make y

  • Brother ‘lights’ up sister’s birthday cake in explosive prank

    by admin on 2022-06-25 05:32:28

    LIFE is always a lot more fun when you have your siblings around. No matter how bad of a day you are having, you know you can count on them to support and cheer you up. Whether it be through pranks or silly jokes, our siblings are always there with us during our highs and lows.

    But somet