Wearing a properly fitted helmet can prevent children – and adults – from suffering serious head injuries when riding a bike or scooter.
Summer officially arrives this month, and along with the season come the days of roasting marshmallows, swimming at the pool and running around outside. While these fun activities with family and friends are sure to make great memories, some of our favorite summer pastimes have the potential to cause serious injuries if the right safety measures aren’t followed. That’s why Mercy Health – Toledo is sharing these summer safety tips. “A terrible accident can put a stop to summer fun, but you can help prevent them by making safe decisions,” said Hannah Koralewski, Trauma and Burn Education Coordinator at Mercy Health – St. Vincent Medical Center. “Exercise caution when engaging in summer activities such as biking, camping, and swimming. Don’t forget your everyday safety habits either. Wear your seat belt – on every trip, every time. Car crashes are more frequent during summer months, long weekends and holidays. “Summer safety measures help ensure more seasons of fun to come,” Koralewski said. Swimming safety: • Have children ask an adult for permission before entering the pool or any body of water. • When a lifeguard isn’t on duty, monitor children who are swimming. Children and adults alike should stick to the buddy system to watch for one another and call for help in the event of an emergency. • Enroll in swim classes to learn proper technique and water safety if you or your children are not strong swimmers. • Younger children and inexperienced swimmers should always wear a life jacket that is approved by the U.S. Coast Guard to help keep afloat. Helmet safety: • When riding a bike or scooter, a helmet can help protect your child from a serious head injury. • Make sure that the helmet protects your child’s head. It should be snug, level and stable so that the back of the head and forehead are protected. • Choose a helmet that fits you or your child now, not one to grow into. If a helmet is too big or small, it should be replaced. Campfire safety: • Never allow a child to play with or around matches, lighters or flammable liquids. • Keep a bucket of water or a shovel nearby to distinguish a fire after utilization. • Only place wood in the fire and never use gasoline or other flammable liquids to ignite the flame. • Never leave a campfire unattended. An adult should always supervise the campfire. • Make sure children and adults are sitting and standing a safe distance away from a fire to avoid igniting clothing. Fireworks safety: • Observe all local and state laws when it comes to fireworks. • If not handled properly, fireworks can cause burns and eye injuries. • They should never be tampered with, nor should you try to relight a firework. • Watch firework displays from a safe distance away, either using a barrier or standing away from lit fireworks. • Substitute glow sticks for fireworks or sparklers for children.
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The Press 1550 Woodville Road Millbury, OH 43447