by Bonnie Getchell June 15, 2012, 7:30 am 1 Comment
Have you seen this Fourth of July post from Martha Stewart? I absolutely loved the red, white, and blue pom-poms she used to decorate the buffet table for the Fourth of July, so I decided to make my own eco-friendly version!
1. Magazine pages. I tried to find ones that were red or blue.
1. Roll up your magazine page. Make sure you roll it up with the color you want on the outside. Also, be careful not to roll it too loosely. Once you have it rolled up, secure it with tape on one end.
2. On the end without tape, stick your scissors into the end of your “roll” and cut the pages into little sections.
If you find that the last step is too difficult (because it is kind of tricky), you can cut one end first and then roll it up. It’s completely up to you! I decided to make mine look like Martha’s by placing them in an empty peanut butter jar with sand. Cute, right?
I can imagine these as a centerpiece on the buffet table or as a fun craft for children to make on the Fourth of July! What would you use them for? Share your ideas on our facebook wall or in the comment section below! If you’re looking for more eco-friendly Fourth of July ideas, check out this post from Julie!
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Hello! I'm Bonnie -- a craft nerd, musician, writer, furniture and vintage lover, crafter, and diyer!
If you would like to learn more about me, I also have my own blog, Revolutionaries, where I write about more craft projects, furniture redos, and my faith! You can also find me on Google+, Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
These came out great! Such an easy craft with fun results. I have stacks of magazines–I’m going to start saving red and blue pages for the 4th!
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