For decades, Vancouver has embraced the tradition. But a city councillor wants to put an end to that, citing the anxiety it can cause in animals and children
VANCOUVER — “BANG! Get your Halloween firecrackers at the Jong Yuen Hing Importing and Exporting Co.,” says a Vancouver Sun newspaper ad from 1928.
“Fireworks, sparklers, firecrackers, roman candles, etc. Prices only: 10c and 5c,” reads a Millar & Coe Ltd. ad in The Province newspaper from 1922.
This West Coast city has had a longstanding tradition, not typically seen in other parts of Canada, of setting off fireworks and firecrackers at Halloween — a ritual that has also been associated at times with “mayhem, hooliganism, riots, severe burns and the occasional death,” historical researcher Christine Hagemoen recently wrote in an online column.
But now that tradition could be extinguished after a city councillor put forward a motion proposing to outlaw the sale of consumer fireworks, which is currently allowed in the city in the days leading up to Oct. 31.
We don’t want to be po-faced enders of fun
As with other jurisdictions where fireworks bans have been proposed, this one has sparked vigorous debate.
Bob Kronbauer, editor of the Vancouver Is Awesome blog site, recently wrote that fireworks were “a part of the identity of Vancouver, and if this motion passes, it will surely suck some of the life right out of our city.”
His comments mirrored criticism that was recently lobbed at two Labour MPs in Britain who proposed a ban on the sale of fireworks. “Socialists always want to ban everything and have no fun,” Tory MP Jacob Rees-Mogg reportedly said of the proposal.
“People enjoy fireworks and we don’t want to be po-faced enders of fun for one and all, we want to allow our constituents to do things that they enjoy.”
According to the motion put forward by Vancouver Councillor Pete Fry, fireworks — which include noisemakers, ground spinners, sparklers and aerial fireworks — in urban areas can cause anxiety in wildlife, pets and humans and their use should be limited to large public events.
“In 2016, a mixed breed dog named Maggie was killed when spooked by fireworks. She ran onto SkyTrain tracks,” the motion reads.
Fireworks can also cause panic and disorientation for birds and trigger PTSD for survivors of gun violence and war veterans, the motion continues. Fry notes that fireworks result in an average of $379,000 in fire damage each year and that most neighbouring municipalities have banned them.
During a first hearing on the motion last week, public input was divided.
Resident Chris Baisley, who is behind an online petition calling for a ban, said current restrictions are ineffective and called the detonation of fireworks a “scourge” on the city.
One pet owner told council that every year around this time, he has to comfort his 90-pound dog who will be “cowering and panting” in the basement as young people — typically far younger than the 19-year-old age requirement for permit holders — set off fireworks indiscriminately in the park across the street. He also complained about the piles of casings and other litter left behind.
But one pop-up fireworks store owner urged council to keep the “magic in our own backyards” and allow residents “freedom of choice.” He said he had trained his eight-month-old puppy to “love” fireworks and warned that a ban would result in a growing and “risky” black market.
Another fireworks distributor said fireworks are a prominent feature of annual Diwali festival of light celebrations in the South Asian community and helps to bring communities together.
“People who love fireworks aren’t just going to give it up,” he said.
There are a lot of yahoos that ruin everything
The origins of Vancouver’s tradition of lighting fireworks during Halloween are unclear. Hagemoen suggests it may have to do with the influence of early Chinese migrants.
“The use of firecrackers and fireworks has a long history in China (they invented them), so it was only natural that they would bring these customs with them to B.C.,” she writes.
“It wasn’t long before the Anglo community co-opted fireworks and firecrackers (and their purported ability to ward off evil spirits) for their own use at Halloween.”
In a blog post a few years ago, Vancouver historian John Atkin suggested another theory — the influence of Guy Fawkes Day, the British tradition of celebrating on Nov. 5 the failure of Roman Catholics in the 1600s to blow up the Houses of Parliament so they could establish Catholic rule in England.
“So why in B.C. were Halloween fireworks so popular? I think that various traditions such as the Guy Fawkes night, bonfires and fireworks got combined with the trick-or-treating of Halloween from the States to give us this unique West Coast celebration. Why it didn’t spread further still needs more research,” Atkin wrote.
This is not the first time Vancouver city council has grappled with the question over fireworks. Hagemoen found two columns that appeared in the Vancouver Sun in 1962 that argued for and against a ban on firecrackers during Halloween.
One UBC psychologist said at the time firecrackers were an “excellent way for children to get rid of their bottled-up gripes.” The executive director of the Boys’ Clubs of Vancouver told the paper the city should think carefully before taking away freedoms. “The fewer taboos we give the kids the better.”
Those in favour of the ban cited rowdy crowds and mayhem in the streets, including stories of kids throwing firecrackers into cars and even in people’s faces.
It was surprising how violent Halloween was in the past, Hagemoen told the Post.
“There’s horrible stories of tying firecrackers to dogs’ tails, kids being burnt, boys would stuff them in other boy’s pockets,” she said.
So while it would be kind of sad to see the tradition end, it’s probably a good idea, she said.
“It’s not a particularly nice tradition. There are a lot of yahoos that ruin everything.”
The motion is set to go for a vote Nov. 5
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