During the Grant County Commission’s special meeting Tuesday morning, a proclamation was issued “declaring extreme and severe drought conditions requiring bans and restrictions on the sale and use of fireworks within the unincorporated areas of Grant County.” The proclamation was made pursuant to the New Mexico Fireworks Licensing and Safety Act, which allows for specific bans of fireworks sales and usage, so long as the county has provided an opportunity for public input and has evidence supporting the decision. The evidence, in this case, includes the fire restrictions that have been enacted statewide by the New Mexico state forester and the Bureau of Land Management, and an executive order issued earlier this month by Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham declaring severe drought and fire conditions throughout the state and recommending that local governments consider bans on fireworks. “The sale and use of missile-type rockets, helicopters, aerial spinners, stick-type rockets and ground audible devices within Grant County are prohibited” under the resolution, as is the sale and use of “display fireworks” and the use of fireworks on wildlands and on county-owned public property. Under state statute, the county will need to reissue this proclamation every 30 days until they see fit to discontinue the ban. During their discussion of this move, multiple commissioners noted that the resolution was a ban on specific types, but not all fireworks. State law does not allow county or city governments to ban the use and sale of fireworks completely. “There’s still plenty of fun to be had, hopefully carefully,” said Chairman and District 1 Commissioner Chris Ponce. Acting County Manager Randy Villa also made it clear that the “big public firework show is not included in this ban … so we’re not stopping municipalities from having a firework show.” All fireworks not included in the ban are restricted in the places in which they can be used, however. “Those may only be used in areas that are paved, barren or have readily accessible sources of water for use by the public,” District 5 Commissioner Harry Browne said. “There’s some subjectivity on what’s readily available, but, hopefully, people will use some good sense and stick to areas that are paved and barren.” As of now, Sheriff’s Department and State Police officers can enforce this proclamation. “The permissible fireworks may still be sold — like sparklers, poppers, those sorts of things — but the sale of display-type fireworks” is banned, said County Attorney Ben Young. “The statute lists civil and criminal penalties that are enforceable under the Sheriff’s Office and also State Police, and presumably municipal law enforcement, if they adopt a similar proclamation.” Two community members spoke during the public hearing on the resolution, including Ed Downard, chief of the Pinos Altos Volunteer Fire Department. He explained why a ban on only some fireworks does not completely abate the risk of fires. “With the Fire Department, from the time that somebody makes a mistake and drops a sparkler [or] shoots off something and that ignition starts, you have probably at least a minute for them to call it in — if they don’t spend 15 minutes trying to put it out themselves,” Downard said. “You have another minute getting that dispatch out to us; five minutes for us to get to the station and five minutes back — you’ve got a wildfire burning for 10 to 15 minutes before we get a first response on-scene. It doesn’t take very long in this wind to move a fire a mile, and so any help we can get from the commission will be helpful.” Despite pleas from the public, commissioners reiterated that they were unable to make any changes to their proclamation. “I just want to affirm that this proclamation is as strong as we can make it and still be within the state law,” said District 3 Commissioner Alicia Edwards, adding that any other changes would need to occur at the state level. During county department updates in the meeting, Maintenance and Grounds Superintendent Jason Lockett told commissioners about the status of multiple projects, including two in the Cliff-Gila area. “[The] bleachers at the rodeo arena, those are delivered on-site,” he said. “We do have that scheduled to be completed on [May] 23rd.” Work on the Cliff-Gila playground is also in progress, and Lockett told commissioners that despite community hopes that some old playground equipment could be saved, it will all need to be removed. He said there may be a future opportunity for residents to buy the old equipment, however. “There was some interest from some of the residents of maybe wanting to go through a bid process, and maybe purchase some of the old equipment,” Lockett said. “So that is something we can do.” Among the changes in the Gila area are the addition of railings at the Cliff-Gila transfer station, where a man fell to his death three months ago. “We have completed the handrail at the Gila transfer station,” said Road Foreman Joe Grijalva, adding that he’s working with the Southwest Solid Waste Authority to add similar safety features at other transfer stations. Commissioners also discussed their ordinances for “abatement of dangerous or abandoned buildings, structures, mobile or manufactured housing, wreckage and debris” and “junked and hazardous vehicles,” both of which they will consider during their Thursday regular meeting. A new draft of a county ordinance concerning the “development and production of sources of renewable energy in Grant County” was also reviewed Tuesday. “This is basically going to give administrative departments authority to suspend the development and production of renewable energy in the county, and to make recommendations for formation and adoption and implementation of appropriate ordinances, rules and regulations,” said Planning and Community Development Director Priscilla Shoup. Browne expressed his support for the ordinance. “I still have kind of a wonderment that we’re singling out this one industry for this kind of treatment,” he said, “but because what’s written here is mostly in a positive sense, and we’re encouraging [solar development], and we’re just authorizing recommendations from staff to us, and it gives potential developers writing to see rather than having to guess at our attitude — for all those reasons, I support this.” Commissioners also considered a resolution that would allow the Pinos Altos Volunteer Fire Department to apply for a loan from the New Mexico Finance Authority to fund a fire station in the Dos Griegos subdivision. The county has previously applied for grants for the project, but has been denied on two occasions. A proposal to close a portion of Bald Knoll Road, the approval of the fiscal year 2021 audit and a bid for the purchase of fixed-rate bulk diesel fuel for use by the road department and volunteer fire departments were also among items discussed. These issues will be up for a vote at the commissioners’ regular meeting Thursday at 9 a.m. David Marquez may be reached at [email protected] press.com.
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