Memorial Day is the traditional gateway to summer and the tourist season, especially near a coastal city such as Wilmington. With holidays such as Memorial Day, Independence Day and Labor Day approaching, there are many ways to celebrate — while remaining safe.
"Choose wisely," New Hanover County Fire Rescue Deputy Chief and Fire Marshal Frank Meyer said. "The only consumer fireworks permissible for use in North Carolina are sparklers, fountains, smoke devices, snakes and glow worms, trick noisemakers like party poppers, string poppers and snaps or toy pistol caps."
Safety is an even bigger priority this holiday weekend as Brunswick, New Hanover and Pender counties have enacted an open burning ban. Meyer said it’s important to communicate use of any fireworks by the public would constitute a violation of the burning ban due to the high temperatures these devices reach once ignited and, in the case of sparklers and fountains, showering hot sparks on dry vegetation could easily ignite an unintended fire.
According to a news release from Pender County, as warmer, drier weather patterns have continued across southeastern North Carolina the fire danger has grown higher, and in some cases extreme, especially in the coastal counties. The chance for stronger winds and very low humidity does not help for fire control operations.
Meyer said any devices that explode on the ground such as firecrackers of any kind or aerial fireworks, roman candles and other devices that leave the ground to explode or shower sparks are specifically prohibited for consumer use and may be used only by professionals trained and in possession of both state and federal credentials to permit transportation and use of those types of fireworks for professional displays.
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Even the consumer-available fireworks present safety risks and should not be used by children, Meyer said. According to the National Fire Protection Administration, in 2018, sparklers accounted for one fourth of all emergency room visits due to fireworks injuries, and 36% of the victims were under the age of 15, Meyer continued.
"The administration also reported that more than 19,500 of reported fires in the U.S. are started by fireworks used by the public, annually," Meyer said. "The only safe way to view fireworks is to attend a professional show. It is important to know that fireworks are not safe in the hands of consumers."
According to Meyer, fireworks cause thousands of injuries each year.
"Also, the loud noises and explosions can impact our neighbors that may have forms of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), those with cognitive or developmental challenges, as well as its effects on pets," Meyer said.
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Where professional shows are available, take advantage and attend those, Meyer said.
"The trained professionals have the appropriate safety equipment and the ability to quickly extinguish fires, the area the fire works are displayed in is restricted and monitored for safety," said Meyer.
Here are some potential alternatives to get into the patriotic spirit and celebrate without fireworks:
As for grilling tips and reminders, Meyer also suggested the following tips to keep in mind if manning a grill this summer, especially during an open burning ban:
The open burning ban went into effect because of the high temperatures and drought conditions, which increase the risk of fire emergencies, said a Monday news release. The burn ban will be in effect until further notice.
The city of Wilmington and the towns of Carolina, Kure, and Wrightsville beaches each have their own restrictions on open burning, and this burning ban only applies to the unincorporated areas of New Hanover County, the release said.
“The lack of rain and high temperatures we’ve experienced are expected to continue for the time being, and these conditions increase risk of grass and wood fires and add significant challenges to fire containment,” said Meyer.
The burning ban applies to open burning, including burning leaves, branches or other plant material, as well as campfires and fire pits, according to the release.
The release elaborated that the ban does not include contained fires ignited for the purpose of cooking. Residents are urged to exercise extreme caution when disposing of charcoal used for cooking and ensure that the charcoal has been thoroughly saturated with water or allowed to remain in a non-combustible container until all the heat is gone prior to disposal, the release said. Additionally, residents and visitors should always practice extreme caution when disposing of cigarettes and other smoking material outdoors and make sure they are completely extinguished prior to disposal.
In all cases, burning trash, lumber, tires, newspapers, plastics, or other non-vegetative material is illegal, the release said.
To learn more about New Hanover County Fire Rescue, visit
Reporter Krys Merryman can be reached at 910-343-2272 or