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NEWS RELEASE CENTAL YORK FIRE SERVICE ***************************
As residents head into the first long weekend of summer, Central York Fire Services (CYFS) reminds residents to be safe with the use, handling and disposal of fireworks and be mindful of neighbours (especially our furry friends) when celebrating.
In Newmarket and Aurora, fireworks are only permitted for sale and use during Victoria Day and Canada Day weekends. Fireworks are not allowed on public property, including parks, streets and open fields/spaces in Newmarket and Aurora. Fines for improper use of fireworks in Newmarket start at $600 in accordance with Fireworks By-law 2015-18. Fines for improper use of fireworks in Aurora start at $600 in accordance with Fireworks By-law 5373-11. Residents can report bylaw infractions, such as the use of fireworks, by calling:
Before you set off fireworks, go through this checklist of rules and safety advice:
Rules & Regulations when using fireworks
Remember to be considerate of your neighbours and pets when using fireworks.
Animal Services at the Town of Aurora offers proactive tips for dog owners:
Residents travelling out of town to the cottage or trailer are encouraged to check the local bylaws for fireworks and outdoor burning, along with burn bans, to ensure the rules of the area are followed.
Visit the website for more information, safety tips and links to Town by-laws.